Unforeseen Ingenuity

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Back to Jack(et)

It's been a while since I've worn a jacket. The hot weather as of late, my array of Summer clothes, and several other reasons with deeper importance have prevented my wearing one.

See that? Told ya.
In years past--such as when I began this blog before taking a six-year hiatus- I happily wore a black zip-up hoodie almost constantly. There are few photographs of me in existence during this time, thanks to the all-too normal teenage insecurities that plagued us all, I'm sure. Those that do still float around the universe, though, generally feature me wearing my comfort blanket.

Fast-forward to years later at a time when I decided to stop 'pleading the fifth' in regards to my sexuality. During this particular renaissance, I took it upon myself to broaden my personal expression as much as possible. I shunned my introverted nature and built up my confidence, making every attempt to change my reclusive ways.

Much better!
Vague as that all sounds, I really did make changes. I didn't always walk up to strangers and treat them as old friends in the way that I do now. I wasn't so apt to display my colorful socks day or night (they were always there, but mostly remained hidden under pants before 'the new me'.) And I wasn't as dis-concerned with others' reactions to my sometimes-quirky outfits. Nowadays I'm glad to be a bit of a stand out, and it's something that I'm proud to say broadly contrasts my former self.
To sum it up: what once served as a security blanket for an insecure me has now merely become a garment of practicality. I wear it when it's cold, and if it's color-appropriate. That's it. No internalized necessity here.

When picking up one of my favorite hoodies this evening before heading out to run errands, I checked it for fuzz or threads that may have required 'pruning' before greeting the outside world. I held it up to my face and took in the aroma.

Happily, I found that it bore some remnants of cologne, perfume and a faint trace of second-hand smoke from previous nights out. This blend struck me pleasantly. So much so that I had to give it a second whiff. "What does this smell like?" "Why is it so striking?" "Who smells like this?" I thought to myself.

Him! It smells like him! Whomever he is, and wherever he hides, my perfect someone would smell just like this! A bit of a rough edge, some sensitivity and an all-around blended personality with the confidence to proudly amplify it out into the world.

A true friend
I'd love to be on the outside of that jacket, cuddled up to whomever wears it, taking in those aromas along with the satisfying comfort in finally having found him.

Until that day, it's me, Amy Winehouse, Robyn, Lana, Karen Carpenter and so many others, wandering about the world through the Fall breezes, watching the birds go about their little lives in trees and reaching for that lip-chap, because you know you need it, and you know it smells like 'good.'

Friday, August 11, 2006

Aaron is neglecting

You'd think that in a summer filled with nothing, all I'd DO would be blog. Too bad blogs about nothing suck [kinda like the above mentioned summer].

So, wasn't it my birthday or something??
Yeah. So? Basically I did nothing on my birthday. Well technically that's a lie. I actually fought with my mom and stayed in my room, pissed that I got shitty presents.

HOWEVER, things are looking better. Since all that nonsense, I went shopping in Orange County and bought tickets to a Yeah Yeah Yeahs show for late september. So don't even fell bad for me. You should actually be jealous if you think about it...

One last thing: I cannot wait to go back to Disneyland...it's been like two months, and that's just rediculous.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Is it Fall yet?

Mom's in Vegas, so it's Dad's turn to do things. Kinda.

So dad dosn't like cooking, but he's kind enough to drive me to Jack in the box. We pull up to the menu and he says "know what you want?" and I answer "Asian chicken salad and a diet coke". He orders it, and as we're pulling up to the first window, he says "I noticed you're kinda taking on some new eating habits. Burgers kept you fat for long enough, Huh? *chuckles*". I say "thanks dad.", but he dosn't seem to notice any displeasure, and that's that.

The next day, we head to Arby's...Of course they didn't have the wrap I wanted, and the other ones weren't up to my standards, so I get nothing. Next we pull into the greasy place next door for him, and I say "uhh just get me that BBQ salad thing." (I'd rather have another salad than a greasy sandwich with soggy fries) He quickly replies "Psh just SALAD?? Whada ya tryin to do, disappear? *laughs*" Now THAT'S parenting.

So my birthday's in two days, and I don't have major plans. I asked my mom to take me shopping and to Orange County, and she aggreed, so maybe that'll be exciting. Just a note to everyone though: Don't forget. Seriously, I'm taking names.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Summer!? That's lame...

I suck at keeping this updated. Dang.

Anyway, I went to Disneyland to check out the amazing new stuff in Pirates of the Caribbean. NEAT. That's all I can say guys...seriously, go now.

And I guess I'm not doing anything for my birthday...Disneyland didn't work out, and I just don't really feel like making a big production. I guess we'll see how it pans out. Buy me things anyways!

ALSO, I'm really excited about the midnight showing of Pirates of the Caribbean 2 that I'm totally going to. It's going to be uhh-meigh-zeeng and I feel bad for everyone not going. Seriously, that sucks.

And finally, I guess it's technically July 4th. I'm personally pumped for some buying, lighting, and getting burnt by fireworks. It never gets old guys. Never.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Hey you. Hey.

One would think that I'd write blogs more often since it's summer and all. Oh well.

So as we all know, nothing happened on 6/6/06, which sucks. Lazy ass satan couldn't step away from his cushy red throne for just ONE DAY to mark the occasion, now could he? What a jerk, letting us all down like that. That's true evil at work right there.

Since summer began, I've actually left the house just about every day. I even went to Disneyland once already! Speaking of, I'm currently listening to KROQ via internet broadcast to try my luck at some amazing tickets to the WORLD PREMIERE of Pirates of the Caribbean two. It's straight up IN Disneyland yo, and there's going to be a whole red carpet event and afterparty. Basically it's the biggest pirate shindig to ever hit this earth, and you can only get in if you were in the movie, family or friends of the stars, invited by Disneyland or media. Now I know I've already been lucky enough to win tickets to a super secret disneyland party on the radio, but come on. Who wouldn't want to go to this?

Other plans for summer:

*NOT vegas. Basically because I'm 15. It's understandable I guess, but it still sucks.

*Birthday things. No idea what yet.

*Behind the wheel drivers training twice.

*Maybe going to the beach if SOME people stop going to Mexico and sit still already.

and of course other crap, but I'm tired of writing lists.

Basically July needs to hurry it up. Nothing happens in June because no one likes it. Go die June.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Apocalypse? Sounds good.

Yes yes, lots of speculation on "6/6/06" being tomorrow. I've been waiting for it since back in 04 when I noticed the pattern in the years. Frankly, after waiting like TWO years (not to mention wanting to witness something biblical always, no matter how not-religious I am) something must happen. MUST. I've waited my turn, so lets see some fire!

Other than that, summer. Yeah. I'm trying to inch my way in on this Las Vegas deal my family's planning. I didn't want to go at first (hi, nothing to do for a dang 15 year old), but I'd rather sit in a fancy hotel than sit in a...not-fancy, not-hotel. Dig? Yeah.

And what's up with yearbooks? I love how people you don't know/like will ask you if they can sign yours. Pshh creepy. Also, I hate it when people with cheap parents ask to "see" your yearbook, but then hold it, look up alllllll their lame friends, and get all aggressive when you ask for it back. What IS that? Get cho own poor kid.

Finally, I hated this year. Too many annoying stupid classmates. Now I see where these drop out numbers are coming from. At least I'm a total genious.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Pour me another

Two tales . Ready?

1. Today on the car ride home (from school), somehow the topic of how I came to be arose. Apparently the birth control my mom was on at the time didn't quite work out. The manufacturer accidentally switched up the order of the pills in the package. Basically the one's that were supposed to stop the whole baby-process from happening were actually blanks, causing many of it's customers to become pregnant, one being my mom. Hi, I'm Aaron, and I was a "surprise". Not a mistake.

2. Today in english while I was working hard on an essay, the teacher was just kind of hanging out and telling the class their scores on the HS exit exam. I ignored it at first, until curiosity gripped me with it's bright red hands and punched me in the face. I was a little worried for some reason though. I could remember the day when we took these cursed tests. Especially the math portion. I had been sick, my braces hurt, and I was just generally not in a test-taking state of mind. I thought to myself, "how lame would it be to have to re-take that. Better yet, how STUPID would I look?". Eventually I told my teacher all of this, and she simply stated "oh I remember seeing that you'd passed." I was a little more at ease, but still nervous for some reason. Finally she checked and said, "uhm yeah Aaron, I'm looking at the scores of my advanced class, and, yours are higher than THEIRS. You totally passed." And just looked at me like I was an idiot. I was wrong?